
bio.inspecta Organic Standard for equivalence in third countries in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 as well as relevant implementing rules for import in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 (Title III; Import of products providing equivalent guarantees).

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Bio Suisse is the largest organic organization in Switzerland and its “Bud” label is the most well-known organic label in the country.   Benefit to customer Public awareness of Bio Suisse’s “Knospe” (Bud) label has been maintained for many years at a high level by means of active marketing and sales promotion. Swiss consumers have great confidence in the label. As a result, demand for organic products carrying the Bud label is growing steadily. Certification of operations abroad to Bio Suisse Standards (= BIOSUISSE ORGANIC operations) makes it possible to market imported products in Switzerland under the Bud label.  

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The use of the label is not conditioned by the NATRUE membership. It is possible to certify cosmetics and approve raw materials with this label. Products can be currently certified under two level of certifications: natural and organic cosmetics. Benefit to customer NATRUE’s mission is to protect and promote natural and organic cosmetics to the benefit of consumers worldwide. The demand for natural and organic cosmetics is continuing rising and consumers want more rigorous and transparent standards that guarantee the high quality of the products that they buy. NATRUE’s Standard offers a high-quality benchmark and help consumers to identify truly

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In addition to food production, Naturland is also involved in the areas of ecological forest use, textile production and cosmetics.   Benefit to customer Naturland is one of the largest organic farming associations in Germany and worldwide. Naturland processors work on the basis of organic standards which go beyond the requirements of the German “Bio-Siegel” (German national ecolabel). Certification increases market access opportunities.   Basis Processing standards by Naturland – Association for Organic Agriculture (Germany)

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The USA have an organic standard which goes beyond the requirements of the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance and the labels. In order to export products to the USA, additional certification in accordance with NOP specifications will be required in most cases.   Benefit to customer Certification provides marketing opportunities in the USA.   Basis The USDA National Organic Program (USA)

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